Documentary on migration “CLOSE(D)“ premiered in Kinoteka

Documentary on migration “CLOSE(D)“ premiered in Kinoteka

19.07.2019. "CLOSE (D)", a 40-minute documentary dealing with the topic of migration in Serbia, focusing on migrants from Asia and Africa, premiered in Jugoslovenska Kinoteka last night. The author is Brigitte Kuchar from Austria and the director is Borisa Simovic.

The documentary was filmed from November 2018  until June 2019. It includes, inter alia, scenes from the reception and asylum centers run by the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration in the Republic of Serbia, the scenes of children going to schools, numerous archive footage of migrants crossing borders, alone and with smugglers ...

The film reminds that more than a million migrants, mostly Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans and Pakistanis, have passed through Serbia since mid-2015 on their way to Western Europe. These movements did not stop, although they have decreased significantly since March 2016.

Figures for this and the previous year point that 20,000 migrants pass through Serbia annualy. A large number of them, despite numerous attempts, fail to cross the borders and remain "stuck" in Serbia. Much of this film is dedicated to them.

It is a non-commercial project, funded by the EU donor funds.