Farhad Nuri received a plaque for the most noble achievement
13.02.2018. At the 55th annual manifestation held today in Belgrade’s City Hall in the organization of "Vecernje Novosti" entitled "The most noble achievement", a ten year old Farhad Nuri from Afghanistan received a silver plaque. Farhad demonstrated his exquisite painting skills and the pureness of heart at the humanitarian exhibition "We Need Kindness - a Dream of a Ten Year Old" on the 9th of August, 2017, where he donated all the money from the sale for the treatment of the boy Nemanja Damcevic, diagnosed with a brain tumor.
This little Picasso, nicknamed after his favorite painter, has been living in the Asylum Center in Krnjaca for over a year, with his parents and two brothers Farzard and Farmaz. Farhad attends fifth grade in the "Olga Petrov" elementary school in Padinska Skela and has already mastered the basics of the Serbian language, while he fluently speaks Arabic, English and Greek. Although his desire to go to a painting school in his native country did not materialize, his talent and pure heart remain spotted wherever he may be.