In Veternik and Futog 428 Apartments for Refugees Under RHP
28.12.2017. Commissioner for Refugees and Migration Vladimir Cucic, Mayor of Novi Sad Milos Vucevic and President of the Committee for resolving housing issues of refugees Zarko Micin announced in the City Hall of Novi Sad that apartment buildings for refugees will be built in Futog and Veternik.The City of Novi Sad provided locations where 276 apartment units in Veternik along with 152 units in Futog will be built from the donor funds under the Regional Housing Programme (RHP), subproject 5.
Commissioner Cucic thanked the Major and the City management for finding the way to realize this important project.
"We are not talking only about Futog and Veternik, but also of one more location in Veternik, where additional 70 apartment units will be built under subproject 9, after the decision at the Donor’s Assembly in Paris, Cucic said. He added that we should be proud that Novi Sad is, at the moment, one of the country’s biggest construction sites for social needs.

Mayor of Novi Sad pointed out that the fellow citizens who fled from the war destruction during the 90s will finally resolve their housing problems.
"Due to the efforts of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration and Project Implementation Unit, the beginning of 2018 will mark the commencement of the construction of 276 apartments in Veternik. The budget for the following year provides for 24 million dinars for equipping the location, while the Commissariat enabled the donor funds, "he concluded.