Instruction for trustees for refugees and migrations on how to help refugees from Ukraine
The Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations instructed its trustees, in every municipality in Serbia, on how to provide assistance to the refugees coming from Ukraine.
The instruction states that, in accordance with the newly developing situation, a number of people can be expected to turn to them for information and help.
We inform all trustees that: for all people asking them for assistance, accommodation and food are provided in the reception centers, specially furnished for Ukrainian nationals, according to the disposition of the Commissariat.
For the Ukrainian nationals that already have set accommodations, we can offer help in food, clothing, shoes, healthcare, inclusion in the education system, as well as access to all other rights and services.
The trustees were provided with a form to fill, which stipulates the needs of the people that address them (accommodation, food, urgent medical care, clothing, shoes…) _
It’s especially underlined that, in case of an unaccompanied minor appearing, they immediately notify the Social Welfare center in charge.