Internally displaced persons and returnees in Krusevac receive housing solutions
17.05.2019. Ceremonial signing of agreements for donation of prefabricated village houses in Krusevac, between the representatives of ASB, the City of Krusevac and beneficiaries selected for this type of assistance, took place in Krusevac today.The ceremony was organized within the framework of the project "Support to internally displaced persons and returnees in four local self-government units in Serbia through provision of permanent housing solutions and measures of economic sustainability."
Besides Mayor of Krusevac, Jasmina Palurovic, director of ASB Goran Velev and Sandra Ilic from the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia spoke at the ceremony.
Sandra Ilic stressed that the mediation and support of state institutions is crucial in the implementation of projects for internally displaced persons and returnees in Serbia.
As part of this project, ASB provided 3 prefabricated houses and 7 village houses for internally displaced persons and returnees under readmission agreement in the territory of Kusevac. Apart from Krusevac, the project will be implemented in Arandjelovac, Ub and Ćićevac.