International Migration Conference held in Ankara, 23-24 October

International Migration Conference held in Ankara, 23-24 October

25.10.2019. In the period 23-24 October, an international conference was held in the Turkish capital of Ankara, organized by UNHCR Turkey and the Turkish Gendarmerie General Command, entitled "International Protection and Migration - Combating Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Human Beings and International Practice". The conference brought together participants from 18 countries, with Svetlana Velimirovic, Deputy Commissioner for Refugees and Migration, as the representative of the Republic of Serbia.

   The primary objective of the conference is to bring together a forum to address current trends and future approaches to mixed movements, refugee protection and international practices in combating migrant smuggling and trafficking.
   Ms. Velimirovic introduced other participants to the experience of the Republic of Serbia and the Commissariat on mixed migration flows in the last decade, especially during the 2015/2016 migrant crisis, current status, capacity and challenges in the work.