Introduction of the DAFI Programme Students
06.12.2022.An introduction of the DAFI students held at the United Nations building on 5 December 2022 was attended by Svetlana Velimirović, Deputy Commissioner for Refugees and Migration, Stefani Krause, Acting Head of the UNHCR in Serbia and representatives of the German Embassy in Serbia.
"The Commissariat for Refugees and Migration is responsible for the integration of persons who have been granted international protection, hence we are pleased to see that these young people have successfully continued their lives and education with the help of the Serbian State and the Donors," Velimirović said.
Four young refugees from Burundi, Afghanistan and Iraq made a great effort to continue their academic journey in Serbia. These dedicated and talented young people, two women and two men successfully passed the admission exams and enrolled in the State Institutions of Tertiary Education which they attend and study in Serbian language at the Faculty of the Applied Arts, Faculty of Chemistry and Medical College.
Financial support through DAFI Scholarships is essential to continue their education.
In 1992, the German Government and UNHCR launched the Albert Einstein Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI Programme). The German Government is still the largest donor of the programme, joined by the private sector partners and foundations in subsidising scholarships. In the past 30 years the Programme has provided access to the higher education to more than 18,000 refugees in 55 countries.