Monitoring visit to the Republic of Serbia within the Akelius project
12.05.2021.In the period from May 10 to 12, 2021, a three-day monitoring visit to Serbia was held on the occasion of the implementation of the Akelius project - a digital initiative for foreign language learning - support to the continuous education of children of refugees and migrants in Serbia.
During a three-day visit to Belgrade, Philippe Testot-Ferry, Global Manager for Akelius Partnership, UNICEF Sweden) held meetings with representatives of national institutions and the UNICEF office in Serbia and visited asylum centers and reception centers that participated in the project.
On the first day of the visit, a donor meeting was held with representatives of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, as well as the UNICEF Office in Serbia, as the main partners in the project.
During the visit, the global manager visited the Krnjača Asylum Center as well as the Reception Center in Šid, which were supported through the Akelius project. In this donation, these centers received equipment in the form of tablet devices necessary for following online English language classes and regular classes for children from the migrant population accommodated in the mentioned centers.
The "Akelius" project is recognized as an initiative whose main goal is to support the inclusion of children and youth from the refugee and migrant population in the formal education system of the Republic of Serbia and to provide support in learning both regular classes and English language courses.
The learning support program has covered 161 children (57 girls and 104 boys) since the beginning of the project and will be implemented until the end of May 2021, when the deadline for the completion of the project is set.
With a positive assessment of the implemented project in the Republic of Serbia and highlighting the benefits for migrant children / students through this type of support, the visit ended on May 12, 2021.