Project "Better Life for Refugees" engaged migrants in Bosilegrad
10.03.2018.On the occasion of marking the end of the project "Better Life for Refugees" implemented in the reception center in Bosilegrad by the IAN, and in cooperation with MOTO, an exhibition of handmade accessories created by migrant women, along with the music performance with children migrants who participated in music workshops and a performance featuring the difficult life of an Afghan female forced to leave her homeland and seek the prospects for a better and safer life were presented. One of the mothers made the hand-sewn national Afghani dresses for the girls who participated in the program.

The premises of the Cultural Center Bosilegrad hosted a large audience, among which the representatives of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, the municipality of Bosilegrad and the Group 484 who is one of the project donors.

The premises of the Cultural Center Bosilegrad hosted a large audience, among which the representatives of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, the municipality of Bosilegrad and the Group 484 who is one of the project donors.