Stylianides: EU will support migrants in Serbia with another four million euros
09.10.2017. European Union will sponsor humanitarian projects for migrants in Serbia with additional four million euros, announced Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. Accompanied by Minister of Defense Mr. Aleksandar Vulin and Commissioner for Refugees and Migration Mr. Vladimir Cucic, Mr Stylianides visited the Reception Center for Migrants in Obrenovac. European Commission financed the renovation of the center.“With four million euros, we hope to contribute to the education of migrants, provide food, protection and everything else that is necessary. With this contribution, the total amount coming from the EU stands at 25 million euros.” European Commissioner explained.
Stylianides said that humanitarian aid was used to help rebuild 11 reception centers throughout Serbia, like the one in Obrenovac.

“Ever since the beginning of the migrant crisis, financial aid coming from the European Union totaled to 80 million euros”, stressed Stylianides.
Stylianides complimented the efforts of the Republic of Serbia to integrate children migrants into the state educational system. He also announced that the EU will continue to support both informal education in reception centers for those who are not a part of the formal education system and provide school transportation, since education should not be a luxury but rather a basic need.
Мinister Vulin expressed sincere thanks to Mr. Stylianides for his continuous support and help to the Republic of Serbia.
“We have enjoyed Mr. Stylianides’ continuous understanding for the situation, regardless of the fact that Serbia is not a part of the EU. Mr. Stylianides has always treated us as a full-fledged member and for that I would like to thank the friend of our country who never missed a chance to support Serbia at difficult times.” Vulin said and reminded the aprox. 4,000 migrants are currently in Serbia, most of them in the reception centers.
Мinister Vulin concluded that migrants are taken care of and provided with both medical and legal protection, while having access to education and asylum system.