The story of an unusual gesture by a Sid resident
03.05.2021.One afternoon, Mr. Toma Mitrov, a resident of Sid, appeared at the door of the Commissariat's office in the reception center and asked for a short conversation.
He had an idea and a desire to help the users of our Center in some way. He agreed with his wife to buy a lamb, roast it and share it with these people, as a sign of respect, good will and mercy. He would also bring cakes, juices, Easter eggs and bread, to give everyone a little treat. He believed that all citizens of Sid could do more to help these people, and with this gesture he wanted to encourage other fellow citizens who are able to do the same.
After receiving the approval of the Commissariat, he showed up on time with the gifts, somewhere between 4 and 5 p.m. With the help of several users of the Center, in a short time, the service was ready for distribution just in time, when the distribution of dinner took place. Customers approached him and thanked him for such a warm, human gesture, and he blessed them by wishing them good health, a better future, to one day have their own home and normal life, in peace and prosperity. We could clearly see that this visit to our Center left a deep impression on him. He said goodbye to our colleagues and users with a firm promise that he would visit more often and encite others to help.
Officers of the Commissariat in the Sid Reception Centre thanked him and tconveyed to him that he was always welcome in our Centre. We agree that Easter holidays are a perfect opportunity to express an act of love, mercy and compassion and that this person found a most adequate way to mark this year’s holiday.