Training in Plandište Training Centre
02.03.2023.In cooperation between the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration (SCRM) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) within project "Strengthening capacities and partnerships for Migration Management in Serbia" funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), support was provided for the preparation of local migration management plans for 60 Local Self-Governments districts.
A two-day training on Local Action Planning was held at the Training Centre for Migration in Plandište on 28 February and 1 March 2023 with emphasis on utilizing the development potential of migration and mitigating its negative effects.
The training was attended by representatives of Local Self-Government districts of Svilajnac, Opovo, Medveđa and Leskovac.
The goal of training is to improve capacities of municipal officials when drafting or revising local action plans. In addition to the existing categories of migrants - refugees, internally displaced persons, returnees based on readmission agreements, asylum seekers and migrants in need, new action plans are taken into consideration and new trends in the field of migration - economic migration, both internal and external, cooperation with the diaspora and their impact on potential local development.