Football Tournament under the slogan Only the Jerseys are Different held in Pirot 12.07.2018.

A football tournament among the teams of the reception centers from Pirot, Bela Palanka and Dimitrovgrad was held in the Sports Center in Pirot under the slogan "Only the Jerseys are Different." Over 80 migrants participated, some as football players and other

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Мigrant children from the centers in Sid participated in a circus show 05.07.2018.

Eleven migrant children from the reception centers in Sid participated in a circus performance organized by the Swiss circus group Lolipop. For five days, members of this group worked with children to master the skills of juggling, acrobatics, trapeze acts, fa

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Commissioner Cucic and DEU Head of Operations Nicolas Bizel visited Tutin and Sjenica 04.07.2018.

Within the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia, Commissioner for Refugees and Migration, Vladimir Cucic and Nikolas Bizel, Head of Operations I of the EU Delegation to Serbia visited Tutin and Sjenica. European Union donated medical vehicles to the

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The 2000th RHP beneficiary in the Republic of Serbia received keys to his new home 23.06.2018.

The 2000th beneficiary of the Regional Housing Program (RHP) in the Republic of Serbia, Zoran Mileusinic, a refugee from Croatia, received keys to a new home in Backa Palanka. The Mileusnic family will now live in a prefabricated house from sub-project 2 of th

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British rock bend visited the reception center in Obrenovac 21.06.2018.

In the organization of Oxfam GB and the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, British band Editors visited the Reception center in Obrenovac. This British rock group travelled with Oxfam to visit refugee camps in Greece during 2017, where they ended up ’jam

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Symbolic tree planting in Presevo 20.06.2018.

In celebration of the World Refugee Day, UNHCR in cooperation with the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration organized tree planting in elementary school “Vuk Karadzic“ and high school „Skenderbeg“ in Presevo. Migrants from the reception center in Presevo gl

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