Purchase of apartments for refugees in 13 towns and municipalities
14.07.2021.Public calls for bids for the purchase of a maximum of 126 apartments in public ownership have been published in 13 municipalities in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The purchase of apartments is part of the Regional Housing Program, while the apartments are intended for refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, who have not yet resolved their housing needs.
Apartments are to be purchased on the market through the procedure of submitting written offers and selection of the most favorable bidders in Sombor, Šabac, Šid, Odžaci, Bor, Bačka Palanka, Zrenjanin, Kikinda, Požarevac, Sremska Mitrovica, Sremski Karlovci, Stara Pazova and Novi Sad.
Public calls are underway and the deadline for submitting bids for the purchase of apartments for all municipalities is 16 August 2021.
All legal and natural persons who meet the conditions from the public call have the right to participate.
You can view the public calls at this link:линку: