President of Radio Free Europe Jamie Fly visits AC Krnjača 10.12.2019.

President of Radio Free Europe Jamie Fly visited the Krnjača Asylum Center today. Accompanied by manager Đurđa Šurlan, he visited the Center, getting acquainted with the lifestyle of the beneficiaries, the accommodation capacities and activities taking place a

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The ninth Serbian-Swiss Migration Dialogue was held in Belgrade 28.11.2019.

The ninth Migration Dialogue between the Republic of Serbia and the Swiss Confederation was held in Belgrade on 27-28 November 2019. The main goal of migration dialogue is exchange of good practices between the two countries. During the dialogue, both positive

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International Migration Conference held in Ankara, 23-24 October 25.10.2019.

In the period 23-24 October, an international conference was held in the Turkish capital of Ankara, organized by UNHCR Turkey and the Turkish Gendarmerie General Command, entitled "International Protection and Migration - Combating Smuggling of Migrants and Tr

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Contracts on awarding 15 packages of construction material officially delivered in Grocka to rеfugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia 14.10.2019.

Today, on October 14, 2019, contracts for the award of 15 packages of construction material to refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia residing in the territory of  city municipality of Grocka were officially handed o

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A delegation of Swiss parliamentarians visited the Krnjaca Asylum Center 11.10.2019.

A delegation of members of the Swiss Parliament, members of the Stiftung SP Bildung Foundation, visited the Krnjaca Asylum Center today. The delegation was welcomed by the Commissioner for Refugees and Migration Vladimir Cucić who informed them about the funct

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Contracts for the purchase of 22 farmhouses with a yard for refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia officially presented in Becej 24.09.2019.

In Becej, on September 24th, 2019, contracts were officially handed over for the purchase of 22 farmhouses to refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia residing in the territory of that municipality. The houses were purchased under the Regional

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