Thirty tree families in Bac receive RHP-financed village houses and packages of building material 23.04.2019.

Twelve refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia received agreements for village houses while 21 beneficiaries received agreements for the packages of building material in the Municipality of Bac today.   Financial resources in the amount o

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Мigrant Women at the Easter Bazaar of Handicrafts 12.04.2019.

Migrant women from the Reception Center Adasevci are once again showcasing the unique handicrafts at this year’s Easter Bazaar organized by HRH Crown Princess Katherine Foundation. Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine spo

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Delivery of 221 packages of building material for refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia under RHP begins in Banatsko Novo Selo 11.04.2019.

Slavica Karna and her son Dragan, refugees from Knin, received today a package of building material for internal and external adaptation of their house in Banatsko Novo Selo.  This marked the delivery of building materials to a total of 221 refugee famili

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Commissariat runs Children’s Corners in Kikinda and Vranje since 1 March 22.03.2019.

Since the 1st of March, 2019, Commissariat for Refugees and Migration took over the Children's Corners in the reception centers in Kikinda and Vranje. Up to March, the Children's Corners were ran by SCRM’s partners, namely UNICEF and Danish Refugee Council in

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Celebration of Nowruz throughout the Reception and Asylum Centers in Serbia 20.03.2019.

In the reception and asylum centers throughout Serbia, in a festive atmosphere and in accordance with tradition, Iranian New Year - Nowruz was celebrated. Nowruz is on the list of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List since 2009. Although the celebrati

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Subproject 9 of the Regional Housing Programme signed today in Belgrade 07.03.2019.

Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) signed a donation agreement for subproject 9 of the Regional Housing Programme (RHP). The Agreement was signed by Jadranka Joksimovic, Minister for European Integration of the Republic of Serb

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