Assistance delivered to returnees to Croatia 15.07.2021.

In the cultural centre in the village of Čovac, near Okučani, on 15 July, 63 agricultural machines were distributed to returnees from Serbia: trimmers, chainsaws and motor cultivators, a donation from the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic

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Purchase of apartments for refugees in 13 towns and municipalities 14.07.2021.

Public calls for bids for the purchase of a maximum of 126 apartments in public ownership have been published in 13 municipalities in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The purchase of apartments is part of the Regional Housing Program, while the apartme

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The reception center in Preševo gets a new name 08.07.2021.

On the occasion of 6 years since the opening of the Reception Center Preševo, on 8 July 2015, the first institution with such purpose in the Republic of Serbia, representatives of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration today organized the opening c

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Open-air cinema for children in AC Krnjača 01.07.2021.

Employees of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration at the Asylum Center in Krnjača organized an open-air cinema for children accommodated in that center. "Every evening from 9 pm to 10 pm, we show children cartoons in English. The plan is to make a repe

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Ceremony of handover of keys to six apartments for refugees in Kučevo, within the Regional Housing Program in the Republic of Serbia 30.06.2021.

On 29 June 29 2021, keys were handed over for the building with six apartments intended for refugee families from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, residing in the municipality of Kučevo. The apartment building was built in Kučevo, within Sub

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Invitation to participate in the auction of paintings for the victims of the earthquake in Banija 30.06.2021.

In the exhibition space of the National Bank of Serbia (entrance from Svetozara Markovića 51) on Friday, July 2, starting at 6 pm, an auction of works of art by Serbian artists will be held to help the people of Banija, victims of December 2020 earthquake, ent

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